Israel's G.A.D keen on Citation III despite engine shortage

G.A.D Flights (GFT) plans to stick to the Citation III (C650) as its core type, even though the fact that its Honeywell Aerospace TFE731 engines are no longer in production is challenging, chief executive Yoav Seymour told ch-aviation in an exclusive interview. The Israeli operator aims to grow the type's fleet to lower the utilisation [...]

By | July 16th, 2024|Financial|0 Comments

JetBlue seeks United’s DCA slots application exclusion

JetBlue Airways (B6, New York JFK) has submitted a motion seeking to disqualify United Airlines’ application for Washington National’s new beyond-perimeter exemption slots on the grounds that United wants to operate a second daily flight between DCA and San Francisco during a prohibited timeframe. United Airlines submitted an application to depart Washington National at 0630L [...]

By | July 15th, 2024|Financial|0 Comments

Curaçao court approves possible Albatros B737 auction

Source: ch aviation Read more: Curaçao court approves possible Albatros B737 auction

By | July 15th, 2024|Financial|0 Comments

Canada’s Air Liaison urges Baie Comeau fuel subsidy

Source: ch aviation Read more: Canada’s Air Liaison urges Baie Comeau fuel subsidy

By | July 15th, 2024|Financial|0 Comments

US's Everts Air Alaska adds first C408 Combi

Everts Air Alaska (5V, Fairbanks International) has taken delivery of the first-ever SkyCourier 408F equipped with Combi interior conversion option, manufacturer Textron Aviation announced. N418RE (msn 408-0029) was ferried from Wichita Beech Factory to Everts' Fairbanks base between June 27 and June 29, with stops at Billings, Walla Walla, Seattle Boeing Field, and Petersburg James [...]

By | July 15th, 2024|Financial|0 Comments

Brazil’s Azul sees Blackrock grow shareholding to 5+%

US investment fund Blackrock Investment Management has announced the acquisition of more preferential shares and American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) in Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras (AD, São Paulo Viracopos), upping its percentage of outstanding preferred shares in the Brazilian airline to 5.061% as of July 4, according to a filing to the market. Blackrock has denied [...]

By | July 15th, 2024|Financial|0 Comments

US's ConocoPhillips acquires its first E145 business jet

ConocoPhillips Aviation (Houston Intercontinental) has acquired its first E145XR. ch-aviation has identified the 11-year-old aircraft as N284CP (msn 14501178). It was formerly with Intel Aviation (Sacramento Mather) but was purchased by a company associated with ConocoPhillips earlier this year and transferred between the operators in late May 2024. ConocoPhillips Aviation's existing fleet includes two Gulfstream [...]

By | July 15th, 2024|Financial|0 Comments

Denmark's Maersk Air Cargo takes first B777-200F

Maersk Air Cargo (DJ, Billund) has taken delivery of the first its two B777-200Fs on order from Boeing. OY-MAC (msn 67867) was handed over to the cargo carrier on July 11, 2024, and ferried from Everett via Moses Lake, Greenville/Spartanburg International, and Bangor International to Billund on July 11-13. Maersk Air Cargo owns the freighter [...]

By | July 15th, 2024|Financial|0 Comments

Portugal's Sevenair continues domestic PSO with no pay

Source: ch aviation Read more: Portugal's Sevenair continues domestic PSO with no pay

By | July 15th, 2024|Financial|0 Comments

Former Benin Golf boss eyes Congolese start-up

Source: ch aviation Read more: Former Benin Golf boss eyes Congolese start-up

By | July 15th, 2024|Financial|0 Comments